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Date Content
31.12.2012 http://www.unifr.ch/ztd/HTS/
18.03.2011 WE 2.0 is on www.hts-admin.net in the root
03.02.2011 Rollout WE 2.0 and WE-CO 1.0 for first client (SDBB)
16.12.2010 Web Edition 2.0 and WE-CO 1.0 new beta available (first synchronisation possible)
06.12.2010 Swedish system on hts-admin becomes productive d2 and NEO-PI-R
22.11.2010 HTS 4.5 final as evaluation version is available (is really a HTS 5)
18.10.2010 HTS We-Co 1 evaluation version is available (Co-Operation with SDBB Bern)
26.05.2010 HTS Virtual Player is ready
20.04.2010 Web Automation is in first use (self assessment project with Austria, administration by testee only)
15.03.2010 HTS Web Edition 1.2 is available
12.03.2010 HTS 4.0.3 is available first time
07.03.2010 HTS Internet Testing R3 is available
Dec. 2009 HTS 4.5 first time sold (UPD Bern) working until now succesfully
xx.05.2008 HTS Web Edition is available first time
14.12.2006 HTS 4.0.2 is available, goes until 4.0.2+ (improved multilinguality)
07.11.2006 HTS 4.0.1 is available
01.06.2006 Hogrefe TestSystem 4 as a first Version with multilingual, intranet and portable testing
10.11.2005 Internet testing V2 is available (date of first productive test in log is BISS from Mrs. Galliker)
04.12.2003 Internet testing V1 is available  (date of first productive test in log is a 16PF) with a HTS 3.8.2  (since 5.11.2003 available, 20.09.2003 First Version of Internet Tests in Distribution for a 3.8.1
Jan 1999 HTS 3.1 fist with full WINDOWS Tests build in TestFactory, only local testing - until 3.9
Nov 1997

HTS Hogrefe TestSystem 3 (first WINDOWS Version together with Zumbrunn and PTAH) an administrative frame around HTS 2 with DOS testing and result generation, first time a unique system - no more modules; V3 goes until 3.9 - KDH terminates his programming career and becomes editor:-) Shortname became HTS.

1996-1997 HOTSYS Version 2 in all subsystems (first with a Graphical User Interface, MSDOS, in PASCAL) also as a common name for the subsystems
1992-1996 HOTSYS Hogrefe TestSystem as a common name for these subsystems, means Version 1  (Shortname was HOTSYS), still Pascal and Text Mode

Splitted modules 

  • LEILA Leistungsdiagnostisches Labor (1. A 1990 2. A 1994 3.A 1995 with Hogrefe)
  • CORA Computerbasierte Ratingverfahren (1.A. Beltz 1991 2.A 1994 Hogrefe) 
  • PERSYS Persönlichkeitsdiagnotisches System with Angleitner, Borkenau (1. A 1994, 2.A 1995)
  • KIDIS Kinderdiagnostisches System with Lauth (1.A.1995) with Hogrefe,

in PASCAL MSDOS Text mode - EIGNOS "Eignungsdiagnostisches System" was planned, but because of change to an unique system postponed.  

1986-1990 "BVCD Berliner Verfahren zur Computerdiagnostik" as a first BASIC Program at a KC85 in Berlin made by KDH as a hobby project